Essential footwear for the colder months

Essential footwear for the colder months

That magical time of year when the leaves turn amber and the air gets that distinct crispness is just around the corner. Are you ready to trade your loafers for cosy layers and boots? Let's dive into the world of autumn footwear…As we inch closer to September, that familiar feeling of autumn anticipation starts to build up. It's like a subtle nudge from nature, reminding us that change is in the air. And with the change in season comes the perfect opportunity to switch up your wardrobe and, of course, our footwear choices. As autumn approaches, we find ourselves drawn...

Oxfords oder Derbys?  So treffen Sie die richtige Wahl

Oxfords oder Derbys? So treffen Sie die richtige Wahl

Die beliebtesten zeitlosen Herrenschuhstile sind Oxford und Derby, aber wie unterscheidet man sie voneinander und was noch wichtiger ist, welcher Stil am besten zu Ihnen passt? Der Oxford-Schuh ist ein zeitloser Klassiker, den jeder Gentleman in seiner Garderobe haben sollte, da er der formellste Stil von Herrenschuhen ist.
